[pdf-embedder url= »https://blog.sami-aldeeb.com/images/2019/02/stop-alle-preghiere-islamiche-in-strada-sami-aldeeb.pdf » title= »Stop alle preghiere islamiche in strada- Sami Aldeeb »]
Note de Sami Aldeeb
La Fatiha et la culture de la haine: Interprétation du 7e verset à travers les siècles, Createspace (Amazon), Charleston, 2014, 120 pages
The Fatiha and the culture of hate: interpretation of the 7th verse through the centures, Createspace (Amazon), Charleston, 2015, 120 pages
Die Fatiha und die Kultur des Hasses: Interpretation des 7. Verses durch die Jahrhunderte, Createspace (Amazon), Charleston, 2015, 125 pages
الفاتحة وثقافة الكراهية – تفسير الآية السابعة خلال العصور، أمازون، 2016، 111 صفحة |
Libri di Sami Aldeeb: https://blog.sami-aldeeb.com/mes-livres
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