Sami Aldeeb – Islamophobia is a sane position

Phobia comes from Greek and means fear:

Islamophobia = fear of Islam

To fear is a sane position in face of a danger. In front of a dangerous ideology, if you do not have a feeling of fear, it means either you are ignorant, or an idiot.

In the case of Islam,

  • All Arab Justice Ministers adopted a Unified Arab Penal code in which they assert that a Muslim who leaves Islam must be killed, and an adulterous person must be stoned to death.
  • An Egyptian professor, Ahmad Hamad Ahmad, published in Cairo a book in 1988 with a second edition in 2000, whose title is: For a unified law governing Islamic armies نحو قانون موحد للجيوش الاسلامية. The author is Doctor of Law from the University of the Sorbonne. He wrote many legal books and taught law at the Faculty of Law of Qatar. This draft seeks to replace the Geneva Conventions and provides the enslavement of enemy prisoners, men and women, as prescribed by the Muslim law. This means the return of slavery… and this what Daesh / ISIS is doing.

When I see this and many other things, if I do not fear Islam, then I am either an idiot or an ignorant.

We have to love the Germans, but not the Nazi ideology

We have to love the Italians, but not the fascist ideology

We have to love the Spanish people, but not the corrida

We have to love the patient, but not the disease

We have to love Muslims as human beings, but not Islam

We have therefore to distinguish between an ideology and the persons. We have to love the persons, but not their ideology. And if a person has a dangerous ideology, we have to urge him to abandon it. This is what happened with the Nazi ideology. Nobody hates the Germans, but Germans had to abandon their dangerous ideology.


Dr Sami Aldeeb, University Professor 
Director of the Centre of Arab and Islamic Law
Translator of the Koran into French and English, and author of numerous books

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