English – Abortion in Islamic and Arab Law

I. Abortion and the right to life 2
II. The fetus in the Koran and Sunnah 2
1) Texts of the Koran on the fetus 2
2) Texts of the Sunnah on the fetus 2
III. Insufflation of the soul or the beginning of life? 3
1) Definition of the Soul 3
2) Insufflation of the soul in the fetus 3
IV. The fetus’s right to life 4
1) The abortion among Muslim writers 4
A) Voluntary abortion 4
B) Abortion in case of necessity 4
C) Abortion in cases of adultery, rape or incest 5
D) Abortion for convenience or comfort 5
E) Abortion for socioeconomic reasons 5
F) Penalties against abortion 6
2) Position of the Arab legislators 6
3) Abortion in case of deformity or AIDS 7
V. The burial of the fetus 8
VI. Islamist drafts 9


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